Play and Child Play Therapy


From newborns to teenagers, children use movement, language, and symbols in their play actions to express themselves and make sense of the world around them.


Normative is play focused and joyful, and engaged in for no other reason than a child’s pleasure. In the state of play, children are more available to learn.


During the early years the opportunity for play is fundamental to healthy childhood development, and proven to be an important precursor to the development of literacy and critical thinking.

Child Play Therapy

A mental health intervention that is...
Theoretically derived,
Developmentally sensitive
A mental health intervention that is...
Theoretically derived,
Developmentally sensitive
A mental health intervention that is...
Theoretically derived,
Developmentally sensitive
Utilises PLAY
A child's most natural medium for self-expression of their inner world
Provided in a safe, nurturing environment
In which a healing therapeutic relationship can develop between
Child Play Therapist and client

The Therapeutic Powers of Play

The ‘Therapeutic Powers of Play‘ are the mechanisms play therapy utilises to facilitate growth and positive change.

Facilitates Communication

Self expression
Access to the unconscious
Indirect teaching
Direct teaching

Increases Personal Strengths

Problem solving
Accelerated development
Moral development

Enhances Social Relationships

Social competence
Therapeutic relationships

Fosters Emotional Wellness

Counter-conditioning fear
Positive emotions
Stress inoculation
Stress management

Benefits Of Child Play Therapy

Clinical evidence supports the use of Child Play Therapy with clients of varying backgrounds and presentations.

It is effective in improving the experience of social, emotional or behavioural challenges. This is possible through:

Who Can Benefit From Play Therapy

Children & Families

Children Living

This list is by no means exhaustive

If you think your child would benefit from M.C.P.T. services please be in touch. It is possible to integrate services with those already in place, such as psychology, O.T. and speech therapy. 

If you are a parent or care-giver who would benefit from learning therapeutic play skills to support you relationship with your child, please be in touch.

If you are an organisation involved in paediatric education or care, and believe that your educators or carers would benefit from learning therapeutic play skills to support their educator-child relationships, please be in touch.